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    Chasseurs immobilier - Homelike Home
    Since 2003

    Property hunter in Bordeaux

    Beautiful Bordeaux a city on the move, continues to develop, grow, and attract Parisian executives, entrepreneurs and investors from France and abroad.

    A quick 2-hour LGV ride from Paris, Bordeaux’s exceptional architecture, exciting environment, and a booming economy have made it a winner! The city’s accolades include being the favorite city of Paris executives, and Lonely Planet crowned it the trendiest city in the world. The Los Angeles Times calls Bordeaux a must-see destination and a Zipjet study gives it the honour of being the least stressful city in France. An added plus: Bordeaux is the city with the best restaurants!

    A quick trip on the LGV will bring you to the beautiful Bassin of Arcachon, home to tourist attractions like the stunning Dune du Pilat in the south, the highest sand dune in Europe. The glorious sunshine and long stretches of natural beauty that extend from the Pointe du Cap Ferret invite you to enjoy the beach, long walks, and experience a unique tradition of oyster farming. And of course, stop by and have a few!

    Being in the national and international spotlight has shown its profound impact on real estate prices in the region – they jumped 15% in 2017 in Bordeaux! This craze has revealed a tension in the local market: a significant shortage of quality properties, the necessity to act quickly, and most importantly, knowledge of off-market properties.

    Given this complex market, Homelike Home is your much needed partner. Our in-depth knowledge of the region, key players, and the local market makes us your partner of choice to find the property that meets your needs. We respond quickly and ensure the process is smooth and painless from defining your needs to the final sale signature.

    The advantages of Homelike Home Bordeaux

    Homelike Home, just like the name says, is your partner in finding the perfect place for you. We conduct the research based on your needs for rentals and ownership, for individuals, families, and professionals in Bordeaux and the metropolitan area, as well as in the Arcachon Bassin.

    But that’s not all; we also take charge of turnkey rental investment projects. Each project is individually defined based on YOUR needs. We follow up on any repairs/work; assist with furnishing and decorating and help find the first renters.

    Our fees

    We carry out purchase and rental research, for individuals and professionals, in Bordeaux and its region.

    Purchase :

    If the property is listed by a real estate agency, other intermediary or direct from the seller, the commission fees remain the same.

    The fees are calculated according to a decreasing rate scale per tranche depending on the property’s price. This remuneration including tax will be calculated on the price recorded by the notary (agency fees included, excluding notary fees):

    Property Price Fees (including taxes)
    Property ≤ 600 000 € 2.90 %
    600 001 € to 900 000 € 2.65 %
    900 001 € to 1 200 000 € 2.25%
    1 200 001 € to 1 500 000 € 2%
    1 500 001 € to 2 500 000 € 1.50%
    Beyond 2 500 001 € 1.00%

    We start the search in Aix en Provence with a budget of €200,000 for the purchase of a property.


    Example :

    For a property acquired at 875,000 € in bordeaux, agency fees included, the remuneration including tax Homelike Home will be:

    600 000 € x 2,90% = 17 400 €
    (875 000 – 600 000 €) x 2.65% = 7 287 €

    Amount of fees = 17,400 + 7,287 = €24,687 including tax

     i.e. 2.82% including tax on the price of the property.

    Property Price (€)

    Amount of fees
    % on the price of the property


    Property research fees are one month’s rent (before tax) of the rented property (remuneration including VAT), with a fixed minimum of 2000€ inclusive of taxes.

    Turnkey Rental Investment

    Quote provided.

    Lara Bel

    Originally from the Bordeaux area, Lara Bel is a professional business trainer. After a number of years in New York, she met Christine Pelosse in 2005. Gauging market needs, they developed Homelike Home in Paris.

    After 12 successful years of real estate research in Paris, Lara is happy to be back to her roots. It would be her pleasure to accompany you with her team for all your real estate projects in the Bordeaux region, and the Arcachon Basin. Lara and her team will help you find what you need, a primary residence, a secondary haven, turnkey rental investment, or a business premises.

    Looking for a typical charming Bordelais town home at St Genès? A unique loft in the Chartrons area? An investment rental in Talence? Offices in the Golden Triangle area? A beautiful beachside weekend home in Arcachon or Cap Ferret?
    Call us, we’ll find them for you!

    If you’re looking for a property in Bordeaux or Arcachon, contact Lara Bel to discuss and develop your project.

    Lara Bel and Homelike Home turn your project into a reality!

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