Once you own a property in France, the fees and associated taxes will be the following:
Property taxes
Local tax (taxe foncière)
Local taxes are reasonable in Paris.
This local tax is levied on you, as owner, by the commune where the property is located.
Residential tax (taxe d’habitation)
This tax is paid by the occupant of the property, whether that be the owner or renter of the property. This tax must also be paid for secondary homes. It is about the same as the local tax.
Co-op charges
Normally, the building in which your apartment is located is managed by an agent called “le SYNDIC” who is responsible for maintaining the common areas in the building and overseeing the management of the building.
Once a year, you (or a representative) will attend a general meeting (Assemblée Générale) in which improvements and repairs will be voted upon by the co-owners of the building.
Charges are usually around 45 € per square meter per year all inclusive.
The charges (charges de copropriété) paid on a quarterly basis represent your contribution to:
- Managing agent fees
- Building insurance cost
- Maintenance and cleaning costs
- Concierge’s salary, if there is one
For a one bedroom apartment, co-op charges amount to about 100 € per month, but it is difficult to give an average price since it depends on the type of building and the presence of a concierge, etc…
Insurance – Utilities
Homeowners insurance – It can be arranged either through your bank or a referred insurance company and has to be in place at the time of signing the deed of sale.We will help you with this. The premiums are usually paid annually.
This insurance amounts to approximately 100 euros per year for a 1-bedroom apartment.
Electricity and Gas suppliers
Contracts will be set up in your name and bills may be paid through automatic debit with your bank
Most package deals include cable television, unlimited telephone (excluding cell phones), and unlimited internet, for about 30 € per month.