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    Chasseurs immobilier - Homelike Home
    Since 2003

    Property hunter in Southern Brittany

    Are you looking for a property in Southern Brittany?

    Are you looking to buy or rent an apartment or house in Vannes or the surrounding area?

    You don’t have the time to devote to this search and make unnecessary visits. Then mandate Homelike Home to prospect and visit for you!

    Located less than 3 hours from Paris by TGV, Vannes, and Brittany in general, is attracting more and more people from the Paris region.

    Morbihan covers 4 départements: Loire Atlantique, Ille et Vilaine, Côtes d’Armor and Finistère.

    Vannes benefits from an infrastructure that makes it easy to reach the cities of Rennes, Nantes and Lorient, as well as Quimper, Brest and Carnac further north…

    The Gulf of Morbihan, with Vannes at its heart, is a small, protected inland sea, cherished by its inhabitants and much sought-after by tourists.

    Its location, its magnificent sites and its many islands are all part of its appeal.

    Morbihan offers a sought-after, dynamic quality of life and a dense, multi-generational cultural fabric.

    Historically centered on agriculture and fishing, Morbihan is now France’s leading agricultural department in terms of salaried jobs in the agri-food industries, not to mention its appeal to tourists and jobs linked to information and communication technologies.

    Finally, Morbihan boasts several university centers (Vannes, Lorient, Pontivy…) where tomorrow’s technicians, engineers and researchers are trained.

    Morbihan is in the digital age, and is proving to be a very attractive region for entrepreneurs. Its annual growth rate is now approaching 5%.

    This increase is part of a long-established trend, accelerated by the confinement caused by covid 19.

    The real estate sector is also constantly innovating!

    Over the past 5 years, prices of apartments, houses and land in Brittany have risen steadily. Over 1 year, there has been a significant increase of +14.9% compared to 2020.

    In Morbihan, in July 2021, the average price per m2 is €2,610 for a house and €2,980 for an apartment.

    Currently in Vannes, the median price per m2 is €3544 for a house and €4028 for an apartment.

    On the coast, in Arradon, the average selling price for a house is €4606 per m2 and €4688 for an apartment. On the land side, in Plescop, the average price per m2 for a house is €3335.

    It’s worth noting that Vannes is the fastest-growing commune on the market for older homes, with a 16.1% increase over one year and a 61% increase over 5 years!

    Some examples of prices in Vannes:

    The median price of an apartment is €4,312 for a 1-bedroom, €3,833 for a 2/3-bedroom and €3,480 for a 4-bedroom or more.

    The median price per m2 for a house from 100 to 139 m2 is €2,292, with, for example, an average price of €2,581 for a house from 80 to 100 m2, with a plot of less than 500 m2.

    If you want to live full-time in Morbihan, in Vannes, Ploërmel, Ploeren, Auray or in one of the 250 communes that make up the region, you need to choose carefully where to settle and entrust your search to our team of real estate specialists.

    If you want to buy property close to schools, the University of Southern Brittany in Vannes, shops, local producers and the seaside, choose from towns such as Arradon, Séné and Theix-Noyalo.

    And if you prefer the countryside, Ploeren, Plescop and Saint-Avé are just around the corner.

    Nos honoraires

    We carry out purchase and rental research, for individuals and professionals, in Southern Brittany and its region.

    Purchase :

    If the property is listed by a real estate agency, other intermediary or direct from the seller, the commission fees remain the same.

    The fees are calculated according to a decreasing rate scale per tranche depending on the property’s price. This remuneration including tax will be calculated on the price recorded by the notary (agency fees included, excluding notary fees):

    Property Price Fees (including taxes)
    Property ≤ 600 000 € 2.90 %
    600 001 € to 900 000 € 2.65 %
    900 001 € to 1 200 000 € 2.25%
    1 200 001 € to 1 500 000 € 2%
    1 500 001 € to 2 500 000 € 1.50%
    Beyond 2 500 001 € 1.00%

    We start the search in southern Brittany with a budget of €200,000 for the purchase of a property.

    Example :

    For a property acquired at 875,000 € in Vannes, agency fees included, the remuneration including tax Homelike Home will be:

    600 000 € x 2,90% = 17 400 €
    (875 000 – 600 000 €) x 2.65% = 7 287 €

    Amount of fees = 17,400 + 7,287 = €24,687 including tax

     i.e. 2.82% including tax on the price of the property.

    Property Price (€)

    Amount of fees
    % on the price of the property


    Property research fees are one month’s rent (before tax) of the rented property (remuneration including VAT), with a fixed minimum of 2000€ inclusive of taxes.

    Turnkey Rental Investment

    Quote provided.

    Contact our Southern Brittany Team

    Nathalie Lalande

    Originaire de Paris, Nathalie Lalande découvre il y a plus de 30 ans grâce à une amie de coeur, le Morbihan et un de ses petits joyaux préservé, l’île d’Hoëdic.

    Elle explore Vannes, séduite par sa richesse architecturale, sa lumière particulière et son atmosphère entre terre et mer.

    Architecte d’intérieure, puis Designer Textile, elle a travaillé pour de grandes Maisons de Luxe françaises pour qui les notions d’excellence, d’exception, et de service sont clés.

    « Ce qui me passionne, m’anime, c’est de trouver la maison ou l’appartement en réponse à des problématiques de vie en utilisant mes compétences en volumes, lumières et fonctionnalités »

    C’est donc très naturellement qu’elle a fait le choix de rejoindre l’équipe d’Homelike Home Bretagne Sud et de s’installer à Vannes pour dépister les biens qui répondront à vos attentes urbaines, marines ou rurales.

    Compte tenu de son expérience professionnelle, Nathalie Lalande pourra vous accompagner à la fois dans votre recherche immobilière ainsi que dans votre projet d’aménagement.

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